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Batesville Soccer Club

Batesville Soccer Club

Batesville Soccer is a member of the Indiana Soccer Association (ISA).  Most of our policies for our recreational program are mandated by ISA, while the rest are based on ISA's philosophy and policies.

  • Age Groups - Indiana Socer, as with all national youth soccer organizations, utilizes calendar year age groups. A player's playing age is determined by the year they were born. Typically, BSC combines two age groups per division for recreational play.  To eliminate the possibility of biases, the club does not allow any player to "play down" or "play up" a division; all players will play with their group containing their playing age.
  • Team Selection/Player Placement - BSC re-drafts all players each year.  Drafts are conducted by blind-draw, manually or mechanically, using player ratings given by prior coaches in an attempt to balance the teams.  Teams are also balanced, to the club's best ability, by player ages on each team.  Only one coach and one assistant coach are assigned to any one team, and only those coach and assistant coach's own children are automatically assigned to that team; all other players are assigned as described above.  
  • Parents do have the right, at the time of registration, to request their player NOT be on a particular coach's team, but no requests for a particular coach will be honored.  No requests for a particular teammate, for "ride-sharing" or any other reason will be honored, but all siblings playing in the same division will be placed on the same team unless the parents request that they be separated.
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