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Batesville Soccer Club

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Jul, 2020

Indiana Soccer Imperatives for Practices & Games


The following social distance guidelines will be in effect for the 2020 Fall soccer season. These rules are from Indiana Soccer, our governing organization, who receive guidance from the State of Indiana and the Indiana Department of Health. These rules apply to both our rec and travel soccer programs. Indiana Soccer has made it clear that without these precautions, we would not be able to have a Fall season. We at Batesville Soccer Club want the kids in our organization to play soccer this Fall. We are taking these rules very seriously and feel that the guidelines below will allow us to keep our players, coaches, referees, and families safe and also have a soccer season. These rules are the compromise that allows us to have a soccer season this Fall. Please read and familiarize yourself with the rules below. 

2020 Covid-19 Social Distancing Guidelines 

Indiana Soccer Imperatives for Training & Games 

One of Indiana Soccer’s goals is to assist member clubs in their effort to provide a safe
environment for the players and their families to enjoy our game. The residents of the state of
Indiana have done a tremendous job of following the directives of our state and local government
and our state and local health departments to allow us to move through the stages of return to
what will be considered normal. All have been emphasizing that we are not done and not out of
the woods. The Indiana Soccer family is committed to demonstrating excellence in the mitigation
fight against Covid-19. Below is a list of imperative minimums expected until such time as the
social distancing requirements are lifted by local and state governments.

• Players are required to wear masks (bandanas are acceptable) when going to the field.
• Players should have a clearly marked side-line space, designated for them to place their
personal equipment in compliance with the 6’ minimum social distancing protocol. (League will
have painted spots on players side of field to identify locations for players’ gear).
• Players may remove their masks when training/warm-ups and when the games begin.
• Players are not to share drink containers, even from their own family.
• During games, reserves on the bench should be a minimum of 6’ apart. If they are a minimum of
6’ apart, they do not have to wear their mask. If they are closer, they are required to wear their
• Players are to keep socially distanced apart when gathering to listen to a coach.
• There should be no physical contact between players, coaches or referees pre- or post-game.
• When leaving the training/game, players are required to wear their mask.

• Ask all individuals who are 65 and above or who have an underlying at-risk health condition to stay home.
• Spectators are required to wear masks (bandanas are acceptable) when making their way to the designated side-line space for spectator seating. The club will have clearly marked areas that comply with social distancing protocols for spectator seating.
• Only family members living in the same home should be sitting closer than required by the social distancing protocol when attending games.
• Any type of bleacher/bench should be closed off for use unless they can be cleaned after each use.
• Spectators are not required to wear their masks when sitting in their designated viewing area as long as they are sitting a minimum of 6’ from another household.
• When a spectator moves from their designated seating area, they are required to wear their mask.
• If spectators are interacting with other spectators (other families) at the field/complex, they are required to wear their mask and maintain the minimum social distance, 6’ apart.
• Spectators for training and games: arrive at the field 5 minutes before the training or game is to begin

• Coaches are required to wear masks (bandanas/gators are acceptable) walking to training and
through the greeting/initial instruction part of the session and anytime they would come within 6’
of another person (includes other coaches).
• Coaches should have a designated side-line space for their personal & team equipment that
complies with social distancing best practices. (League will have painted spots on player’s side of
field to identify locations for player’s gear)
• During training, the coach may remove their mask when they are greater than 6’ from others,
however, they should have the mask readily available when 6’ or closer contact is inevitable.
• When the training session resumes, the coach may remove their mask as long as the coach
maintains a minimum of 6’ separation from others.
• When addressing the team, the coach must insist the players stand/sit a minimum of 6’ apart. If
the coach is a minimum of 6’ from any other person, the coach does not need to be wearing their
mask when addressing the players. The CDC says this type of gathering should not exceed 10
• Coaches should be the only individuals handling team equipment (cones, training sticks,
portable goals, etc…).
Coaches are asked to wash the pennies after practices.
• Coaches are required to wear a mask during all pre-game introductions (opposing coaches,
• During games, coaches are required to wear a mask on the sideline. They may remove the mask
to give direction to players on or off the field as long as they are a minimum of 6’ from any
• There should be no physical contact between players, coaches or referees pre- or post-game.
(no post game handshakes this season) Encourage your players to show good sportsmanship in
other ways.
• When leaving the training/game or moving to another field, etc., coaches are required to wear
their mask.

Hand sanitation stations will be placed out around the concession area and small bottles will
be included in the coach’s bag to use as needed.

NOTE: Post- Game Treats (in place of treat tickets) – Coaches should coordinate with parents
each week to have someone purchase the treats (drink and candy/snack) for the team from the
concessions and can distribute to the players after the game. We want to avoid having the
players come in large groups to the concession area and congregating.
Encourage your players to keep some distance when not playing – we want to keep everyone
safe and play soccer this season.

• Referees are required to wear a mask (bandanas are acceptable) when going to or from the
• On the sideline, when there is more than one referee working the game, social distance yourself
from the other referees (minimum of 6’ apart). The club should have designated a space that
complies with social distancing protocols for as many as three referees.
• Wear a mask during:
- Field inspection
- Introducing yourself to the coaches (stay a minimum of 6’ apart)
- Team check-in (stay a minimum of 6’ apart)
- Captains’ meeting (stay a minimum of 6’ apart)
• There will be only one captain per team.
• Referees and assistant referees ARE NOT REQUIRED to wear a mask during the game.
• Keep a mask in your pocket in case you need to be within 6’ of a player. Maintaining 6’
social distancing when practical.
• During the half-time break, if the referees can maintain social distancing (minimum of
6’), they are not required to wear their mask.
• There should be no physical contact between players, coaches or referees pre- or post-
• When leaving the game or moving to another field, referees are required to wear their

To Download a copy of this file Click Here

Below is an outline of the consequences from Indiana Soccer for not following these rules.   


If Indiana Soccer finds a team/club is not in compliance with these imperatives, we will do the following but not limited to:

  • Communicate directly with the club and team(s) to identify why the imperatives were not implemented. They will be told this isn't a choice if they wish to participate in an Indiana Soccer activity.
  • If there is a second issue with implementation of the imperatives, the team and/or club will not be able to participate in a sanctioned activity (training, games, etc...) until they have shown they have a plan to implement change and are implementing the plan.
  • If there is a third issue, the team and/or club may loose the privilege of hosting games. 
  • If there is a fourth issue, the team and/or club may not be allowed to continue to participate in an Indiana Soccer sanctioned activity for the remainder of the season. 
  • During ISL games, if the imperatives are not implemented by a team or teams, the game may be recorded as a forfeit, points deducted from the team and the forfeit fee of $300 assessed to the team(s). 



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